
Over the past few months there has been an increasing trend of parkade, commercial and residential break and enters with entry gained via the Entry Intercom system or panel. Video from Entry Intercom systems has provided insight into the methods used by these property crime offenders: it is clear that entry is not dependent on a stolen or lost fob, but can be gained directly from the Entry Intercom.
Some Entry Intercom systems allow a PIN access to be added so that the physical fob is not required. We recommend against using this option, as PIN access numbers can be guessed or learned through trial-and-error. A PIN access number may also be passed from individual to individual, and become common knowledge to criminals. If you are unsure how to remove PIN access codes from an Entry Intercom System, contact your service provider.
Some Entry Intercom systems also allow the programming of dial-up access codes directly from the Entry Intercom panel. This programming requires an admin access code, but some buildings may not have changed the default admin access codes. Some of these default codes may be available online in the user manuals for the Entry.>>.